How I Stopped Multitasking and Started Getting Stuff Done

Multitask by ryantron

(This post was originally published on the Leading by DESIGN Leadership Matters blog for alumni of LEAD 365.)

Have you seen the Pixar film Up? You know, the one about the old man (Carl) who inflates thousands of balloons to fly his house to the jungle, and accidentally gives a ride to an eager young Wilderness Explorer (Russell) who is trying to get his badge for helping the elderly. My favorite character in the movie is Dug, the friendly, enthusiastic dog that Carl and Russell meet partway through the movie. Dug is my favorite not just because I love dogs, but because he perfectly illustrates my view of multitasking. Take a look at this clip to see if you get what I’m implying about multitasking:Continue reading

Meet the Timmy Brothers

This made me laugh! Plus once you stop laughing, it gets you thinking about marketing. Do you know what you’re really selling? I’m doing a lot of teaching on business acumen this month, so this topic is very much on my mind.