Who We Are
Are you ready to transform?
Many stories of transformation are linked to the swan. (Cygnus means "swan" in Latin.) At Cygnus Services, we seek to transform people into great leaders by helping them bridge the gap between understanding what great leaders do and finding the courage to actually do what they need to do to be a great leader.
We develop leaders in businesses, nonprofits, schools, and religious denominations. We work with people at every stage of their careers, with a special focus on women in leadership and next-generation leaders. Based in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Cygnus Services serves clients throughout the United States and Canada, both in-person and remotely.

Meredith Nieuwsma
Meredith took a wandering path into the world of leadership development. She started her career in children's publishing, then began working in database management, where she discovered her love for teaching and training adults. From there, Meredith transitioned into leadership development and oversaw the Reformed Church in America's coaching program, where she converted the face-to-face coach training program to a webinar-based program.
In December 2013, Meredith founded Cygnus Services to bring her method of online leadership development and coaching to the wider world. She also offers in-person coaching for clients in West Michigan, and face-to-face leadership development in partnership with Leading by DESIGN.
Meredith lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan, with her husband, daughter, dog, and aquarium full of fish. In her spare time, she is a voracious reader. She loves to spend time outside and camp, and she continues to hope that she will learn to enjoy running, although it hasn’t happened yet.

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Image by John Fowler/snowpeak. Used under CC by 2.0 license.