This month I’m doing quite a bit of teaching around Leading Yourself, what we used to call Personal Management in LEAD 365. We work with a lot of successful, growing leaders, some of whom have great boundaries and limits, and some of whom struggle to do anything but work. I tend to fall into the second camp. I like to achieve—to a fault—so even if I’m not working toward something in my career, you can be sure that I’m working toward something, even if that something is simply all the laundry washed, dried, and put away.
Tag Archives: being a person worth following
One Step Further
This post was originally published on the Leading by DESIGN blog, Leadership Matters, which is written for alumni of LEAD 365.
Each LEAD 365 cohort goes on a retreat, and so far the feedback indicates that this retreat is a highlight for almost everyone. Honestly, it’s a highlight for Rodger, Jeff, and me as well. Last week, Rodger and I brought a cohort to our favorite retreat location (which shall remain unnamed to keep it a surprise for future cohorts). After a day of learning and experiencing, we shared our lifelines. Lifelines are always powerful, and as we debriefed with the group the next day about the power of their lifelines and how vulnerable they were, one of the participants thanked Rodger and me for setting the tone—for modeling honesty and vulnerability in sharing our own lifelines. I’m so glad that we do this kind of modeling, and, honestly, sometimes I hate it as well.Continue reading
The Value of You
I love the Becoming Minimalist blog. Although I would not describe myself as succeeding at minimalism (fourteen pairs of shoes at last count), I do value the principles of minimalism: learning to find happiness outside of material things, lowering our impact on the environment, focusing on what is truly important.Continue reading