Calvin Seminary Supervisor Training
Session 1: April 13, 2017
Session 2: May 4, 2017
Session 3: May 25, 2017
All sessions are from 1:30 to 3:00 pm.
Small Groups
Group 1: Aaron, Carolyn, Geoff, Jim
Group 2: Bob, Jinny, Ronald
Group 3: Dave, Jeff S, Rachael
Group 4: Karen, Jul, Mariano, Scott
Session 2: Effective Communication and Trust
Solo Processing
Before you meet with your small group, spend some time answering the questions below:
- Where is it hard for people to hear what you're saying because your actions are too loud? What are you ready to do about that?
- Where is it hard for people to trust you because your actions get in the way? What are you ready to do about that?
- Review the listening portion of the slides (the PDF was attached to the session 2 follow-up email). How can you become a better listener? Who do you need to take the time to listen to in order to build a more trusting relationship?
Small Group Processing
Spend an hour or so with your small group. Please practice going one step beyond your comfort zone in your sharing and vulnerability in your small group. Spend some time in your group working through the questions below:
- What stuck with you from the second session? What did you agree with? What didn't you agree with? What new insights have you had since our time together as a large group?
- How can you help create more trust at the seminary? (As a reminder, we talked about four different aspects of trust: Integrity and Intent (both are aspects of character), and Capability and Results (both are aspects of competence)).
- Share some of your thoughts from your solo processing on how you might improve as a supervisor when it comes to communication and trust. Talk about how you can support each other's growth.
Extra Credit
Here's that handwashing TED Talk I referenced in our time together. It's quite short, and it's a great example of how to communicate something very clearly (by communicating it over and over and over in different ways).
Looking for session 1? Just click here.